The Trail
by: Christine McCoid |
Overview |
Concept |
In this lesson, students
will look at towns along the Lewis and Clark Trail today, and
compare the towns in the years 1800, 1900, and 2000. |
Objectives |
Students will be able to:
1. Locate towns on the Lewis and Clark Trail.
2. Use research skills.
3. Compare and contrast America in 1804, 1900, 2000.
4. Use oral presentation skills. |
Materials |
1. Research materials,
Lewis and Clark trail maps, especially the Library
of Congress Map Collections 1544-1999
2. Computers, word processing software, Internet Web browser,
e-mail software |
Procedures |
As a class, access the Library
of Congress Map Collections to view the Lewis and Clark
Expedition map from the Library of Congress.
Take some time to show the class how to use the zoom
capability and navigate the map.
Have student groups work together to study the map (and other
maps available) to find the names of some towns along the trail.
Have students access Lewis
and Clark Trail Web site for a listing of towns along the
trail and links to their present heritage centers.
Once the towns have been named, begin researching them in
small groups. Have
students attempt to find out facts about the towns from 1800 (or
1804), 1900 (or around the turn of the century), and present day.
This can be found using Internet searches, encyclopedias, or
contacting the towns' heritage centers.
For example, "Canoe Camp" and "Canoe
River" are sites on the Library of Congress map.
The river was traveled by the Corps of Discovery and was used
for Native American transportation.
By searching Canoe
River on the Internet, you can discover that the Canoe River is
still actively used, but primarily for sport and
entertainment, rather than trade and transportation.
Have small groups present their information in chart form,
comparing the towns in 1800, 1900, and 2000.
Groups should then orally present their charts to the class,
focusing on presenting the similarities and differences they
discovered. |
Notes |
Refer to content in the
"Filling the Empty Space" article. |
Assessment Tools |
Oral presentation, written
Students will be assessed on:
1. Group work and class participation.
2. Complete, accurate, detailed research.
3. Complete, accurate research chart and oral presentation. |
Web Sites |
and Clark Expedition Map: Library of Congress map from the
expedition. Has zoom capability.
Lewis and Clark Trail: Information about the towns along
the trail and links to their heritage centers. |
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