
Form and Technique
The Golf Channel: Online Instruction
Even when you can't make it to the course, you can still practice your putting and perfect your swing. Try online lessons that address everything from the fundamentals of proper posture and alignment to more advanced techniques like hooks and shanks.
Golf Digest: How to Play
Just can't manage to drop your score below 90? Maybe you are making the same mistakes many golfers make. Visit the How to Play page, and then scroll down to the Instructional Archives to find out how you can give your game a much-needed makeover. Click on the icons in the upper left-hand corner to navigate to other sections of the archives.
Golf Edge Performance: Golf Tips
Once a month, Golf Edge publishes expert golf tips from a seasoned pro. Learn how to beat the beginner's golf jitters, discover the best way to absorb and implement new skills, and get a peek at conditioning skills that will prepare you to swing like a superstar.
PGA.com: Instruction
Get your hands on the techniques that professional golfers use to perfect their games. Read the current tips on the PGA Lesson Tee, or search the archive filled with advice from PGA Teachers of the Year.
Fitness, Training, and Sports Medicine
Cybergolf Golf Nutrition and Fitness
If you're an active golfer, you can burn up to 3,500 calories per day. What should you eat to stay in super shape for all 18 holes? Visit the Golf Nutrition page to read some tips on good golfing nutrition. Then poke around on the Golf Fitness page for articles on how to avoid injuries, suggestions for getting fit for spring, and exercises that will improve your game.
Exercise and Stretches for Golf Fitness
Don't tee off before you warm up or you'll risk injuring tight muscles. Take some time to try out these simple stretches before you start your game. Also test some strengthening exercises, and read about how simple training exercises can skim strokes off your score.
Healthy Golf
The site shows how improving your health can improve your golf game. Better eyesight might mean more accurate putting. Flexibility and proper posture can create super swings. Learn other ways that better fitness can add up to lower scores. Then check out some simple exercises to help prevent common golf injuries.
Golf Fitness
Quick quiz: What will help improve your game more than expensive equipment, golf lessons, and fancy shoes? A fit and healthy body. Read about why one pro encourages golfers to forget about equipment and focus on fitness.
Health and Wellness
For general health, wellness, training, conditioning, and sports medicine links, visit our special Health and Wellness page. Here you'll find the best site on the Web devoted to athletics and healthy living.
Golf Online Equipment Glossary
Did you know that the material used to cover the golf balls comes from trees? Are you aware that the size of your grip can damage your swing? Check out this glossary of golf gear and learn how the equipment you use can affect your performance.
ESPN Golf Online.com: Equipment
Whether you're shopping for your first set of clubs or are looking for a set to last a lifetime, the editors of ESPN and Golf Magazine are here to help. They've tested the gear to provide you product reviews and bring you up to date on the latest equipment developments. If you're confused, be sure to check the handy glossary.
PGA.com: Equipment
Which clubs do the pros use? What technology is tucked inside golf bags? What metals are really in an iron? The official PGA site sorts out the secrets of golf equipment, and gives you a sneak preview of the newest products to hit the market.
Recruiting and Scholarships
Resources for Coaches
The National Golf Coaches Association is the premier association for women college coaches. Get immediate access to press releases, college rankings, and the NGCA Hall of Fame. Then trade tips, get advice, or share successes with other coaches in an online chat room.
The NAGCE Foundation
The National Association of Golf Coaches and Educators supports those who introduce children to the sport of golf. They offer workshops and certification for coaches, counselors, and physical education teachers. Members also receive the Coach to Coach newsletter.
This site offers articles written by trained golf coaches who want to help others with tips, techniques, and drills to try on the course. If you're a golf coach, add your expertise to the database by sending in your resume for the site's consideration.
Sports and Sports News
ESPN Golf Online.com
Keep up with the famous faces of men's and women's golf with ESPN and Golf Magazine. Stay on top of the news with headlines, feature articles, and a broadcast ticker. Learn more about the world's best courses, check the leaderboards, and read special features on fitness, rules, equipment, and statistics.
If all you do is scan the pro standings on this site, you're missing out on the meatiest material. Get inside the men's pro tour with headline articles, special features about players, and stories about life in the PGA.
Follow the leaderboard as the women in golf work their way through the LPGA Tour. Get news on all the tournaments, read the player bios, and be sure to check out the Youth page, which lists the upcoming local clinics, clubs, and programs for girls.
Keep track of the tour at the Professional Golfers' Association site. Read articles about your favorite players, play virtual golf, and watch some instructional videos to improve your swing.
PGA Cool Kids
As young Tiger Woods, Justin Leonard, and Se Ri Pak establish themselves on the pro tours, more and more kids are becoming interested in golf. Discover the junior tournaments, ask a question, take the online golf quiz, and thumb through the definitive rulebook.
Rules of the Sport
GolfOnline.com: Rules
Are players allowed to practice putting on the green before a round? What is the ruling when two balls collide on the course? Learn the ins and outs of golf rules by testing your knowledge in real-life playing situations. If you're still confused, ask questions of other golfers or go straight to the source and read the complete rules of golf.
MyGolf.com breaks down golf rules by category. If you don't know which category to browse, you can use a handy keyword search to find relevant rules.
PGA.com: Rules
There is a lot more to learning the laws of the sport than knowing that there are 18 holes on a golf course. Before you swing your next stroke, study up on this junior-style summary of golf regulations.
USGA: The Rules of Golf
The United State Golf Association sets itself apart from other sites that focus on golf rules because it catalogs recent changes to golf rules. Included on the USGA site are official decisions about what modifications can be allowed for handicapped players and what actions might endanger a player's amateur status.
