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Mexico is a Central American country immediately south of the United States and northwest of Honduras and Guatemala. The capital city of Mexico is Mexico City. One of the most populated cities in the world, Mexico City is located in central Mexico, halfway between the country's extensive stretches of coastline along the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

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Country Background
Mexico is located along the Ring of Fire, an unstable area in the Pacific Ocean that causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in neighboring countries. Because Mexico is adjacent to the Ring of Fire, the country is subject to much seismic activity, which is often damaging to buildings and other structures.

Aztec and Mayan cultures are historically important in Mexico. These civilizations were very advanced and some of their temples can still be seen in areas of the country.

The natural habitats in Mexico are homes for many native creatures. Tapirs, anteaters, and armadillos are examples of the interesting animals that live in Mexico.

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