Updates to EdGate's Open Educational Resource library, the Curriculum Matrix --More CTE, SEL, World Languages, and ELA
May 19 2023

Open Educational Resources (OER) enhance learning and teaching, and reduce accessibility barriers. EdGate’s Curriculum Matrix is a collection of over 97,000 K-12 high quality resources that have undergone a vigorous curation process and been aligned to educational standards. These materials offer students and teachers a variety of ways to engage as the resource types include lesson plans, units, courses, videos, rubrics, articles, tests, activities, assessments, and more.

  • Teachers always need more language arts resources. That’s why EdGate has added over 1,900 ELA resources for grades K-8 and 300 resources for grades 9-12.
  • Did you know that at least 43 states allow students to take CTE courses through state dual and concurrent enrollment to earn high school and postsecondary credit? In response, EdGate has added over 3,000 new CTE resources for grades 9-12.
  • Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is also increasing in popularity, helping students to become more self-aware, improve interpersonal skills, build self-esteem, and make decisions. EdGate has added many new SEL resources for grades K-8 and has made it a priority to add even more! The SEL resources are aligned to the most recent state SEL standards with the most up-to-date diversity, equity, and inclusion verbiage.
  • EdGate is also adding new world languages content, many of which are in Spanish. Arabic resources will be available in the future.

The Curriculum Matrix also houses excellent OER that covers emerging topics like cyber security, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and augmented reality. Coming soon are over 100 robotic resources.

The ever-evolving field of education allows for innovative and creative ways of learning and OER is great resource to add to your toolkit.

Contact us for a tour of our OER library.