EdGate, a leader in Education Standards management and alignment, announces a series of enhancements to its client facing enterprise toolset, ExACT. “The new feature set represents efforts that were previously only done manually, through our team of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)” said Kathleen Ideguchi, EdGate's Director of Client Services. “The goal of these new features is to allow customers using the ExACT system to be more self-sufficient, saving them significant time and money.”
The group features four components, each representing a different way to map educational content to the appropriate standard. They include:
- Mirror and Match: Clients are able to mirror an existing alignment in the ExACT system and apply the Patented EdGate Taxonomy to it. The system will then automatically crosswalk the alignment to all related standards.
- Direct Align: A Premium Feature designed for Assessment Publishers. With Direct Align, publishers can focus an alignment on a specific standard, allowing for as tight alignment as possible.
- Direct Align Plus: An upgrade to the Direct Align feature allowing for the incorporation of related standards.
- Concept Mapping: Here, content with associated concepts can be mapped to the EdGate Taxonomy. This feature will be released later this year.
The release date of the first three features is set for Friday, July 21, 2023, while the fourth planned for later in August.
Any questions regarding this new release, or the ExACT Alignment System can be directed to Gina Faulk, General Manager of EdGate.