Dates Publishers Need to Know.
Are you finding it challenging to navigate through the schedule provided by Texas in it’s scientific materials regulations proclamation? You’re not alone.
This approval and adoption timeline for the recent Texas scientific ed materials standards includes deadlines and information that apply to content creators and publishers only. The original timeline provided by Texas in its proclamation includes dates assigned to the public, education service centers, districts and charter schools, the State Board of Education, and others. This is a simplified version publishers and content creators should find easier to navigate.
April–May 2022
TEA provides details (dates/locations) of upcoming SRP meetings to publishers.
Responsible Party: TEA
Recipient/Audience: Publishers
April–August 2022
Instructional materials submitted for science are reviewed.
Monday, April 10, 2022
Pre-adoption samples, the Report on Interoperability and Ease of Use, and Complete Descriptions are due to the TEA for science and CTE courses.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA, Districts and Charter Schools, PublicPre-adoption samples are due to each of the twenty ESCs for science and CTE courses.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: ESCsCertification of Editorial Review and the Affidavit of Authorship or Contribution are due to TEA for science and CTE courses.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEAPreliminary correlations for one technology applications course, one CTE course in computer science or cybersecurity, Personal Financial Literacy and Economics, or K–6 Spanish science are due to TEA.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA
Monday, April 17, 2022
ESCs must notify TEA of any irregularities in sample materials submitted by publishers for science and CTE courses.
Responsible Party: ESCs
Recipient/Audience: TEA, Publishers
Monday, May 8, 2022
Final correlations are due to each of the twenty ESCs for science and CTE courses.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: ESCsFinal correlations are due to TEA for science and CTE courses.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA
Tuesday, May 30, 2022
Pre-adoption samples, the Report on Interoperability and Ease of Use, and Complete Descriptions are due to TEA for technology applications courses, CTE courses in computer science and cybersecurity, Personal Financial Literacy and Economics, and K–6 Spanish science.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA, Districts and Charter Schools, PublicPre-adoption samples are due to each of the twenty ESCs for technology applications courses, CTE courses in computer science and cybersecurity, Personal Financial Literacy and Economics, and K–6 Spanish science.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: ESCsThe Certification of Editorial Review and Affidavit of Authorship or Contribution is due to TEA for technology applications courses, CTE courses in computer science and cybersecurity, Personal Financial Literacy and Economics, and K–6 Spanish science.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA
Monday, June 26, 2022
Final correlations are due to TEA for technology applications courses, CTE courses in computer science and cybersecurity, Personal Financial Literacy and Economics, and K–6 Spanish science.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA, Districts and Charter Schools, PublicFinal correlations are due to each of the twenty ESCs for technology applications, courses, CTE courses in computer science and cybersecurity, Personal Financial Literacy and Economics, and K–6 Spanish science.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: ESCs June–JulyTEA hosts SRP meetings.
Responsible Party: TEA
Recipient/Audience: Publishers, Public
Monday, July 31, 2022
The List of Corrections and Editorial Changes is due to TEA. The Vendor Setup Form is due to TEA from publishers without EMAT usernames and passwords.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA
Monday, August 21, 2022
Requests for show-cause hearings are due to TEA from eligible publishers that elect to protest the preliminary report.
Electronic samples of new content provided to and approved by the SRP are due to TEA.
The Order Processing Information and initial official bids are due to TEA.
- Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA
September 2022
TEA posts to the agency website public and SRP comments and lists of alleged errors, editorial changes, and new content.
Responsible Party: TEA
Recipient/Audience: SBOE, Publishers, Districts and Charter Schools, PublicSBOE holds a public hearing on instructional materials under consideration for adoption.
Responsible Party: Public
Recipient/Audience: Publishers, SBOE
October 2022
TEA posts the Report of Required Corrections and Approved New Content and the List of Instructional Materials Eligible for Adoption to the agency website.
Responsible Party: TEA
Recipient/Audience: ESCs, Publishers, Districts and Charter Schools, Public
Monday, October 16, 2022
The Certification of Intent to Correct and the Disclosure of Campaign Contributions and Gifts are due to TEA.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA
Monday, November 6, 2022
Additional official bids are due to TEA.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA, Districts and Charter Schools
Tuesday, November 7, 2022
Content changes in materials under consideration in response to public comments are due to TEA.
An updated List of Corrections and Editorial Changes is due to TEA.
- Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: SBOE, TEA, Public
Wednesday, November 15, 2022
Content changes to materials under consideration in response to public testimony are due to TEA.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: SBOE, TEA, Public
Tuesday–Friday, November 14–17, 2022
The SBOE votes on recommendations related to materials under consideration.
Responsible Party: SBOE
Recipient/Audience: Publishers, Districts and Charter Schools, Public, ESCs
Friday, December 1, 2022
TEA posts the List of Instructional Materials Adopted on the agency website.
Responsible Party: TEA
Recipient/Audience: ESCs, Publishers, Districts and Charter Schools, Public The Register of Contact is due to TEA.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA
2024 Activities and Deliverables
One high-quality, accessible PDF, one copy of NIMAS files for student materials, blackline masters, and any other materials included in the teacher component intended for student use, and a screenshot from the NIMAC Validation Wizard showing that each file has passed validation are due to designated braille producers.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: Braille Producer
Monday, February 5, 2023
Form 1295 Certificate of Interested Parties is due to TEA.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA
Monday, March 25, 2023
One complete, post-adoption material sample that incorporates all required corrections and approved new content is due to TEA.
The Affidavit of Corrections and New Content is due to TEA.
The Certification of Compliance with Manufacturing Standards is due to TEA.
The Accessibility Compliance Report, along with the cover sheet, is due to TEA.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA
Monday, March 25, 2023
Once complete, a post-adoption sample incorporating all required corrections and approved new content is due to each of the twenty ESCs.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: ESCsThree final complete copies of adopted print student materials, blackline masters, and any other materials included in the teacher components intended for student use must be submitted to braille producers. If changes were made to instructional materials between Monday, February 5, and Monday, March 25, one high-quality, accessible PDF, one copy of NIMAS files, a side-by-side list of changes, and a screenshot from the NIMAC Validation Wizard showing that each file has passed validation is due to the designated braille producer. If no changes were made, notice must be provided to the designated braille producer.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: Braille ProducerOne copy of adopted print student materials, blackline masters, and any other materials included in the teacher components intended for student use; one high-quality, accessible PDF; one copy of NIMAS files; and a screenshot from NIMAC Validation Wizard showing that the file passed validation is due to the designated audio producer.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: Audio ProducerOne copy of adopted print student materials, blackline masters, and any other materials included in the teacher components intended for student use; one high-quality, accessible PDF; one copy of NIMAS files; and a screenshot from NIMAC Validation Wizard showing that the file passed validation is due to the designated large-print producer.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: Large-Print ProducerFinal NIMAS files and a side-by-side list of changes made between Monday, February 5, and Monday, March 25, or notice that no changes were made are due to TEA.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: TEA
Monday, March 25, 2023
Final NIMAS files are due to NIMAC.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: NIMAC
May 2023
TEA sends executed contracts to publishers.
Responsible Party: TEA
Recipient/Audience: PublishersTexas public schools with funding available can begin submitting orders for new materials.
Responsible Party: Districts and Charter Schools
Recipient/Audience: Publishers, TEA
June-August 2023
Publishers distribute adopted materials to Texas public schools.
Responsible Party: Publishers
Recipient/Audience: Districts and Charter SchoolsTEA reviews adopted materials to ensure publishers have made all corrections on the Report of Required Corrections and Approved New Content.
Responsible Party: TEA
Recipient/Audience: Publishers, SBOE
Are you concerned about hitting tight Texas timelines? Need help navigating the new Texas standards for science, technology applications, and CTE instructional materials? The experts at EdGate are available!
Need more information about the changes Texas made to it’s scientific academic materials standards? Our guide can help.